How can I resolve a CS0246 bug in my PlayerStateManager Script?

I started out developing in the unity third-person Template and have been building out from that. The Character Controller file got too messy with tons of small conditions that I could handle in a state factory better. I haven’t made one before and after setting it up from a tutorial, and moving what I needed from the ThirdPersonController file I got to a point to test it. Unity can’t find the StarterAssetsInputs script in my CharacterStateManager file. Here is the line it’s mad at.

private StarterAssetsInputs _input;

I looked up the bug and there doesn’t seem to be a ton I can do. I have tried a few things out to fix it. I double checked the spelling, required it like this


and moved it in my file structure to be in the same file as my state setup. What can I do to fix it?
Thank you for your time.

Maybe there is a difference in filename and actual class name in that file.

As an error suggests, the class is not available in the actual namespace range. First, you need to check in what namespace is StarterAssetsInputs. If CharacterStateManager is not in the same namespace just add inside using to link StarterAssetsInputs namespace.

Thank you! That fixed it!