I’m very new to coding so know basically nothing, but I’m making a game and can’t figure out how to Respawn my character at an empty object if he’s fallen out of the map.
I can respawn at a specified coordinate but using an object would make any future changes easier.
Thank you!
I’m not exactly sure I understand your problem. But from what I gather your character is a GameObject and its position is now off the visible part of the game. If this is the case you can “respawn” by resetting all the properties of your character GameObject to their initial state and setting its position to the “start” position.
If you are having trouble detecting when your character is off screen, then that could be done either by setting up colliders at the boundaries, or by checking the characters position from the MonoBehaviour:Update function.
Hopefully this helps, if not you may want to provide a few more details with more precise words.
The thing is, i get stuck at fallen out of the map and what you mean. is falling out of the map intended??
you can create an empty game object, and assignt its position at the characters position when it does fall.
do you have a predefined spawn position? then you set the empty gameobject to that position, and when you respawn, you use the empty game objects position as the specific position.
if its the case that you need to know the position before he has fallen…
create a simple code that will track when he is on the map, again further information is needed for me to understand exactly what you want. if its just the case that you check if the character is currently on the ground, or map area, you can use a raycast to check the distance from the map area. if it is passed a certain distance, then it has fallen
or you can maybe use a box collider placed and scaled to represent the area that is out of the map.
if the character hits that collider, you can have a script that detects the collision with the box collider.
i wont go into too much detail for now, i would suggest you add more information to your post, an image that shows your character on the map, and what you exactly need, is there only one spawn position that you need per map? or does it need spawn positions in every area “parts” of the map?
i am sure once it is fully understood what you need, it will get resolved
Lots of good ideas in the replies. Simplest version is to have a public GameObject variable in your Player script, and drag your empty GameObject to it. Then if your Player falls out of the map (collides with a bounding box or passes a value in one of the axes), move the player to that object’s position. It’s not “respawning” as you don’t need to destroy the Player object and instantiate a new one, just teleport. Though you can change values as though the player died (health, points, etc).