How can I restore Input Settings?

I just change and save all input settings on Project Settings->Input and i can' get the 3rd person controller to Can i restore the Input Fields or i have to create a new Project... I can't correct them because i am new here. Thank you.


actually, You simply need to

1: create a new project, 2: close unity, 3: copy the file /library/InputManager.asset that is within that new project 4: paste and overwrite that file in your project you want to reset inputs. 5: restart unity and select that project. all your inputs are back as if you created a new project.

Hope it helps.


just deleting “InputManager.asset” should do the trick i think. Unity will create a new file next time you restart unity (make sure to backup the old file just to be sure).

Since unity3.5 this file is now in the /ProjectSettings/.
There might still be a “InputManager.asset” file in “/library/” also but this is not used anymore since 3.5.

PS: Look into cinput2 if you want your player to be able to configure inputs inside your game.

Okay, Right...

Um, create a new project. Just create a new everything, then go into that Input settings and just write down what the values are for that, then go back into your game, and replace it with the new values.

Loving the title btw ... Catchy