How can I save and load files on android?

I have this script that works flawlessly while testing on my computer, but doesn’t work on my Pixel 4. Does anybody have any idea why this won’t work or how to fix it?

using UnityEngine;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;

public static class SaveSystem
    static readonly string fileType = ".json";
    static readonly BinaryFormatter formatter = new();

    public static void SaveTeam (Team team, string folder)
        var fileName = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + folder + "/" + team.index + fileType;
        FileStream stream = new (fileName, FileMode.Create);

        TeamData teamData = TeamData.SaveTeam(team);

        formatter.Serialize(stream, teamData);

        Debug.Log("Saved " + team.Name + " Team to " + fileName);

    public static void LoadTeam (Team team, string folder)
        var fileName = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + folder + "/" + team.index + fileType;
        if (File.Exists(fileName))
            FileStream stream = new(fileName, FileMode.Open);
            TeamData data = formatter.Deserialize(stream) as TeamData;
            Debug.Log("Loaded "+team.Name+" Team from "+fileName);
            Debug.Log("File not found in " + fileName);

    public static float[] ColorToArray (Color color)
        float[] array = new float[3];
        array[0] = color.r;
        array[1] = color.g;
        array[2] = color.b;
        return array;

    public static Color ArrayToColor(float[] array)
        Color color = Color.white;
        color.r = array[0];
        color.g = array[1];
        color.b = array[2];
        return color;

public class TeamData
    public string Name;
    public float[] color;

    public static TeamData SaveTeam (Team team)
        TeamData data = new();
        data.Name = team.Name;
        data.color = SaveSystem.ColorToArray(team.primaryColor);
        return data;

    public void LoadTeam (Team team)
        team.Name = Name;
        team.primaryColor = SaveSystem.ArrayToColor(color);

I am not exactly sure what’s wrong, but I have two points:

  • Use System.IO.Path.Combine instead of concatenating strings with “/”, directory separator is platform specific.
  • Don’t use BinaryFormatter. This is from the Microsoft docs:

The BinaryFormatter type is dangerous and is not recommended for data processing. Applications should stop using BinaryFormatter as soon as possible, even if they believe the data they’re processing to be trustworthy. BinaryFormatter is insecure and can’t be made secure.

You need to be more specific, the “doesn’t work” gives no information at all. Does it throw any exceptions? Does it write but the output is wrong? What exactly is failing?