How can I set the positions by numbers stored in a string ?

Hello , so I’ve a loop that adds positions of objects to a string , it looks like this :

for (int n = 0; n < posicionesVector2.Length; n++)
                for (int i = 0; i < posicionesVector2.Length; i++)
                    posicionesVector2*.x = GameObject.Find("Quad" + counter).GetComponent<Bloque>().coordenada.x;*

posicionesVector2[n].y = GameObject.Find(“Quad” + counter).GetComponent().coordenada.y;
listaVectores.Add(GameObject.Find(“Quad” + counter).transform.position);
s += string.Format("{0}:{0} ", posicionesVector2*.x, posicionesVector2[n].y);*
PlayerPrefs.SetString(“PosicionsBloques”, s);
So later on on my “load game” loop I want to set the coordenada.x and coordenada.y with what’s stored in the string.
This line:

s += string.Format("{0}:{0} ", posicionesVector2*.x, posicionesVector2[n].y);*
Is storing the values correctly but when I want to load them they’re not correct.
I load them like this :
for (int z = 0; z < posBlocks.Length; z++)
for (int i = 0; i < posBlocks.Length; i++)
GameObject objeto = GameObject.Find(“Quad” + contar);
objeto.transform.position = new Vector3(posicionX*.x, posicionX[z].y, 0);*
GameObject.Find(“Quad” + contar).GetComponent().coordenada = new Vector2Int(s*, s[z+1]);*
I dont know what I’m doing wrong.
Thank you!

Here is my save position script. I have it attached to my player. I have save position & load position buttons in the top right of the screen for the player to save their favorite place in the game any time they want. I hope this helps!

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class SavePosition : MonoBehaviour
    public void SavePlayerPosition()
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("PlayerX", transform.position.x);
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("PlayerY", transform.position.y);
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("PlayerZ", transform.position.z);

    public void LoadPlayerPosition()
        float x = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("PlayerX");
        float y = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("PlayerY");
        float z = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("PlayerZ");

        transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, z);
