How can I show Status bar during an Interstitial Ad on an Android App?

Hello, I would like to disable the fullscreen mode on UnityAds Interstitials. Which parameters do I need to set in order to use the class UnityAdsShowOptions? The list of acceptable parameters are not available on the official documentation.


UnityAdsShowOptions showOptions = new UnityAdsShowOptions();
showOptions.set("Key", "Value");

Thanks in advance for your attention.

Hi TecStarStudio,

I am sorry for your experience. However, this parameter is mainly for setting up result callbacks after showing ads. You can refer to the UnityAds Document(C#) to have a check.

I am checking with the development team about whether it is allowed to show the state bar using UnityAds SDK, I am checking with the development team, and I will get back to you later.


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Hello Hanyang, thank you for help me. I’ll be waiting.
Thanks in advance for your attention.