I’ve been searching all day and I still can’t find an answer, so let’s get straight to the point.
My game has two principal scripts that control everything, the first, named “Game_Controller” has access to score, and the second named “Object_Spawner”, is responsible for spawning GameObjects according to the score in Game_Controller.
If score > 5, Object_Spawner will spawn a different GameObject, it’s like creating a new wave of enemies.
For that, I’m using IEnumerator and coroutines to start and stop a wave, the first wave spawn seems to work fine, but the problem is when I start the second wave it will just spawn hundreds of objects at high speed. Please note that I’m using a random timer in order to spawn objects at random time. I think the issue with the second wave has something to do with the timer.
The problem is when I start coroutine diamond. Please if there’s something bad in my code please notify me, Im just 17.
CODE (Object_Spawner):
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class Object_Spawner : MonoBehaviour {
private float Timer;
public GameObject wave_Cam;
public Text wave_Text;
public Transform spawner;
public GameObject victim;
public GameObject Clone;
public Transform diamond_Spawner;
public GameObject diamond_Obstacle;
public GameObject diamond_Clone;
public IEnumerator coroutine_Triangle;
public IEnumerator coroutine_Diamond;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
coroutine_Triangle = Callvictim (); // Assign function to variable coroutine_Triangle
StartCoroutine(coroutine_Triangle); // On start run Triangle coroutine
coroutine_Diamond = callDiamond (); // Assign function to variable coroutine_Diamond
StopCoroutine (coroutine_Diamond); // On start don't run Diamond coroutine
// coroutine_Gear = callGear(); // Assign function to variable coroutine_Diamond
// StopCoroutine (coroutine_Gear); // On start don't run Gear coroutine
void RandomTimer()
Timer = Random.Range(0.9f , 1.8f);
void spawnVictim(){ // Spawn Triangle function
Clone = Instantiate (victim, spawner.transform.position, spawner.rotation) as GameObject;
Clone.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> ().AddForce (Vector2.left * 300);
void spawnDiamond(){ // Spawn Diamond function
diamond_Clone = Instantiate (diamond_Obstacle, diamond_Spawner.transform.position, diamond_Spawner.rotation) as GameObject;
diamond_Clone.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> ().AddForce (Vector2.left * 380);
IEnumerator Callvictim() // Start Callvictim to spawn triangles by random time
//---------------------------------------------------------// WAVE ACTIVATOR
wave_Text.text = "WAVE 1";
yield return new WaitForSeconds (1);
wave_Cam.SetActive (true);
yield return new WaitForSeconds (2);
wave_Cam.SetActive (false);
while (true) {
spawnVictim ();
yield return new WaitForSeconds (Timer);
RandomTimer ();
IEnumerator callDiamond() // Start callDiamond to spwan Diamonds by random time **--PROBLEM--**
while (true) {
spawnDiamond ();
yield return new WaitForSeconds (Timer);
RandomTimer ();
public void stop_Coroutine_Triangle(){ // Stop top Triangle coroutine
StopCoroutine (coroutine_Triangle);
public void start_Coroutine_Diamond(){ // Start top Diamond coroutine
StartCoroutine (coroutine_Diamond);
public void stop_Coroutine_Diamond(){ // Stop top Diamond coroutine
StopCoroutine (coroutine_Diamond);
void Update(){
CODE (Game_Controller):
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Game_Controller : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject up_Plane;
public int accessedCount;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
access_Count (); // Execute function on start
void access_Count(){ // Get access to count int located in a different script
accessedCount = up_Plane.GetComponent<GO_UP> ().count;
void check_points(){
if (accessedCount > 2) { // Triangle wave
Camera.main.GetComponent<Spawner_Up> ().stop_Coroutine_Triangle();
Camera.main.GetComponent<Spawner_Down> ().stop_Coroutine_Triangle_2();
if (accessedCount > 4) {
Camera.main.GetComponent<Spawner_Up> ().start_Coroutine_Diamond();
if (accessedCount > 5) {
Camera.main.GetComponent<Hex_Spawn> ().enabled = true;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
check_points (); // Execute function to check points
access_Count (); // Execute function to update points
I think the problem is at IEnumerator callDiamond();