How can I stop the player at specific position after jump ?

This is an endless runner script. I am using character controller. My player default “y axis” position is 3 (He will be floating without any support). But after Jumping he will go below the “y axis” position 3 .

I want the player “y axis” position to be in position 3 after jumping.

Someone please help me with this script. How to stop the player “y axis” position at 3 after jumping.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class myplayer : MonoBehaviour

    private const float LaneDistance = 2f;
    private CharacterController controller;
    private float jumpforce = 7f;
    private float speed = 18f;
    private float verticalvelocity = 0f;
    public float gravity = 12f;
    public int desiredLane = 1;
    public int verticalLane = 1;
    private Animator anim;
    bool jumped;
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
        anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
        jumped = false;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

        if (MobileInput.Instance.SwipeLeft)

        if (MobileInput.Instance.SwipeRight)


        Vector3 targetPosition = transform.position.z * Vector3.forward;

        if (desiredLane == 0)
            targetPosition += Vector3.left * LaneDistance;
        else if (desiredLane == 2)
            targetPosition += Vector3.right * LaneDistance;

        if (transform.position.y == 3)
            verticalvelocity = 0f;
            if (MobileInput.Instance.SwipeUp)
                //jump code
                jumped = true;
                verticalvelocity = jumpforce;

            //I tried to stop the player at position 3. But he stops at 2.9 or 2.5 some values below 3
            if (transform.position.y > 3 && jumped)

                verticalvelocity -= (gravity * Time.deltaTime);
                verticalvelocity = 0;

        Vector3 movevector =;
        movevector.x = (targetPosition.x - transform.position.x) * speed;
        movevector.y = verticalvelocity;
        movevector.z = speed;
        controller.Move(movevector * Time.deltaTime);


    private void MoveLane(bool goright)

        if (!goright)

            if (desiredLane == -1)
                desiredLane = 0;

            if (desiredLane == 3)
                desiredLane = 2;

usualy you have an terrain with a collider , also the player,

with that you shouldnt go under your terrain

I have downjump also, So cannot add terrain there.
If we swipe down , the player will reach the ground and he should be back in position 3 of y axis.

You can still use a collider on an invisible game object that acts as your ground

I have downjump. If there is a collider then I cannot go down when I swipe down.

if (MobileInput.Instance.SwipeDown)
jumpeddown = true;
verticalvelocity = -jumpforce;
// anim.SetTrigger(“Jump”);