How can I tell my laser which enemy to target?

So this is my problem.
It is easy to track position of “specific” gameObject but I have problem while tracking when I have same gameObject in the scene —> I Instantiante couple enemyes and each one of them Intantiate their own laser who is tracking position of that gameObject…

PROBLEM : if I have one enemy it is fine and laser is folowing position of game object but when having more of them lasers do not know which position they should track becouse there is more than one enemy on the screen.

I hope I explained everything fine and thanks for help.

You need a way of distinguishing the enemy you need to target.

This question is not a general question on how do I track a GameObject, but instead the question is “How can I tell my laser which enemy to target?”. The answer of course is up to your designer it depends on what enemy you want too target, the one closest?