How can I tell when an Adaptive Probe Volume "scenario blend" is "done"?

I’m using Unity 6000.0.32f1 and HDRP 17.0.3. I’m using Adaptive Probe Volumes to light a large outdoor space, and I’m using a Physically Based Sky to implement time of day progression.

I’ve set up a number of “Scenarios” in my APV blend set, and I’ve baked each scenario successfully. I’m now trying to blend between those scenario, as my time of day progresses. I’m following this documentation:

I’m confused by the example, as it appears to be blending in Update(), without any logic that determines when the blend is “done”. My understanding was that APV blending would be a bit like Lerping between two Volumes - that is, over a defined length of time, the influence of one volume steadily drops from 1 to 0, while the other increases from 0 to 1.

Is APV Scenario blending different? Would it make sense for this process to take place in a coroutine? And if so, how do I determine that the blend is “done”?

I don’t think it helps that the documentation is unclear as to the BlendLightingScenario method, specifically the purpose of the blendingFactor parameter. Though I suspect I’m just ignorant of the solution and perhaps misunderstanding what it does and how it works.

Can anyone help me understand this better, please?

While I’m on the subject, I really enjoyed the Unity 6 Lighting Features video ( What I would REALLY love is to get access to the “finished” project that was created. Is this available at all?

Thanking you!

The documentation is pretty straighforward, BlendLightingScenario blends between the active lighting scenario and the otherScenario with a blendingFactor, in a lerp manner.
If the factor is 0, the activeScenario is fully visible, if the factor is 1 the otherScenario is fully visible, and with 0.5 it’s a 50%/50% mix.
The example code update function is jsut there to update the blending after the factor has been changed in the component inspector.

So, you have to animated the blending factor yourself, and you know when the blend is done when the factor gets to 1.

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Ah, jeez, do I feel like a dope! Thank you, I understand now! DOH!