How can i translate my object?

Hi All,

I am working on projectile motion. In that there is a button called throw. if i click throw button the ball object going projectile. In that i got maxheight. by using this code i am getting the height.

 string height = GUI.TextField(new Rect(Screen.width-85, 10, 75, 25), (maxHeight).ToString());
 if (maxHeight < (Projectile.transform.position.y - transform.position.y )){
	 maxHeight = ( Projectile.transform.position.y - transform.position.y );	

After got max height i have a scale. I below of the scale there is sphere type of object. I want to pass that object into max height point.

i mean if i got maxHeight = 6.5 then that sphere i want to movie vertically same height.

for that i wrote code.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Tran : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject game;
 void Start () {
void Update()
 game.transform.Translate(game.transform.position.x,(game.transform.position.y+ThrowSimulation.maxHeight), game.transform.position.z);

But it is showing error. after playing my application that is automatically came into scenemode. If i write the custom method also not working properly.

And my task is when ever the throw is complete. i want to show my maxheight by using that sphere in that scale.
please help me

thanks in advance


do you want to transform game object so you have to try this

public class Tran : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform game;
int treee;
void Start () {
void Update()
game.transform.position=new Vector3(game.transform.position.x,game.transform.position.y+2,game.transform.position.z);