How can I use After Effects Keyframes for Unity Animation


I am brand new to Unity, I work on a film/game hybrid project for my master’s degree. I studied Filmmaking, not game development, therefore I never coded before this, so I don’t even know the basics (and I don’t really have time to learn it). I figured out a lot with tutorials, but I am finally stuck on something.

I want to transfer tracking data (position, scale and rotation) from After Effects onto a Raw Image object in Unity. I was thinking about copying and pasting the keyframe data and using it as the values for the animator on the Raw Image, but I don’t know how to access those values in code. Also, I guess there is a more convenient way to transfer tracking data (a plugin maybe) but I couldn’t find what I need.

As I just started, I suppose i’m not able to search properly (I don’t know the lingo).

I was wondering if anyone on here could help find the solution, or create it if it doesn’t exist already.

I don’t know how all this works, so if you need more information you can just ask, I will give as much detail as you need.

PS : We had a dev in the team but she left because she only had one year at our school, that’s why I now have to do it.

i’ve seen few plugins for importing after effect anims into unity,
so try searching for: unity after effects plugin or importer

GitHub - leetful/u.movin: Unity library for rendering After Effects shape animations (and others)


The AE keyframe data will likely “sort of” do what you want, but the ranges will probably be off, rotation might be different directions, etc. Finding a plugin as mentioned should ideally handle all the tweaks for you.
Sounds like a cool idea, bringing in the animation, I haven’t tried that from AE.

Thank you for your answer, I can’t search right now (new year’s eve and all that) but I will try with these words, maybe I’ll find something.

While searching for it, I found multiple plugins to import After Effects animations, but nothing for keyframe pr tracking data.

I’ll update once I search further.

Happy New Year :grin: