How can I use GameObject.Find with a variable?

Is it possible to use GameObject.Find in conjunction with an object that is defined in a variable? I want to create something that would look kinda like this (I know it’s syntax is way off, but I hope it get’s the idea across):

var MyPrefab: GameObject;
var Spawned: GameObject[];
var Point: Transform;
var Count: int;

function Start(){

function Spawn(){
	if(Count <= 5){
		Count += 1;	
		Spawned[Count] = Instantiate(MyPrefab, Point.position, transform.rotation);
		Point = Spawned[Count].GameObject.Find("/MyChild01").transform;	


Well first of all your counter is very rudimentary. I suggest a for loop.

for(int i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
Spawned *= Instantiate(MyPrefab, Point.position, transform.rotation);*

Point = Spawned*.GameObject.Find(“/MyChild01”).transform;*
Perhaps you should not try to find the child itself. Instead, find the parent Object and then use a new variable to define the child.
GameObject myChild = Spawned*.GetChild(0)…*

Go on that maybe.