I am making a 2D Multiplayer game which position of the charachters are critical.
That’s why i have to use canvas. In all resolutions charachters positions should be the same.
However when i use canvas, sprites are not useful because of canvas need images, not sprites.
How can i use sprite characters&weapons inside Canvas ? What professionals are doing about it ?
Hi @sezercanaktemur , you cannot have sprites over canvas, because canvas rendered over the screen if you have chosen screen space overlay. While sprites are rendered based on there word position location and camera needs to track them every time. Whereas if you are using canvas as default then it don’t bother about your camera position.
For making 2d multiplayer game you have to play with camera.
You can have a look this tutorial from unity to get actual idea of making 2d game and using canvas.
Thank you @ajaykewat But if i want to make multiplayer ‘VS’ game how camera should work?
Because if resolution is 1920:1080p it works nice because my scene is based on that. However, if screen resolution is 800*600, then enemy charachter will not be in the scene
