So I have made a few custom inspectors before and used the Undo system but how do you use it for an EditorWindow when there are no objects to pass to Undo.RecordObject(), I just want to be able to undo changes to local variables.
Here is what I have
namespace RapidIconUIC
public class RapidIconWindow : EditorWindow
static RapidIconWindow window;
public AssetList assetList;
public DraggableSeparator leftSeparator, rightSeparator;
public AssetGrid assetGrid;
public IconEditor iconEditor;
static void Init()
window = (RapidIconWindow)GetWindow(typeof(RapidIconWindow), false, "RapidIcon");
window.minSize = new Vector2(870, 600);
private void OnEnable()
//A load of init stuff, including this:
iconEditor = new IconEditor(assetGrid, window);
private void OnDisable()
//Saves some variables to EditorPrefs
void OnGUI()
if (!window)
//A load of stuff including:
iconEditor.Draw(window.position.width - rightSeparator.value, window);
Then in the IconEditor class (doesn’t derive from anything), I have a bunch of variables that are changed with GUI controls e.g.
void DrawTransformControls()
Vector3 camPos = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Camera Position", currentIcon.cameraPosition);
//And some others
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
Undo.RecordObject(this, "IconEditor Undo"); //Can't do this as IconEditor is not an Object
currentIcon.cameraPosition = camPos; //bad example as I'm changing another object here, but sometimes I do just change a local variable to the IconEditor class
//currentIcon also cannot be converted to an Object either anyway
So how can I add undo functionality in this script, and others like it
You can mark IconEditor as Serializable, and then pass the RapidIconWindow to the IconEditor to record that.
When doing Undo/Serialization in an Editor Window, it’s the editor window itself you’re serializing, as it’s a ScriptableObject that Unity does some magic to. Exactly the rules for what serializes and why is undocumented and a bit esoteric, but for the most part it works as usual.
Hello, Sir, it’s been a year but I hope you can explain a little bit more about “passing the RapidIconWindow to the IconEditor”
I have a trouble in trying to implement this Undo system. My code looks like this inside the Editor:
public class Editor_ChatAsset : Editor
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
if (GUILayout.Button("Open Window"))
If you’re wondering what Window_ChatAsset.Open() does:
public static void Open(ChatAsset chatAsset)
Window_ChatAsset window = GetWindow<Window_ChatAsset>("Chat Asset Editor");
window.serializedObject = new SerializedObject(chatAsset);
I don’t really understand how Undo works, and I have read many articles and threads about. Nothing works, or to put it more precise, I don’t know how to make it work. Please help…