How can I view a webplayer playerprefs file?

How can I view a webplayer playerprefs file (.UPP file)

I’ve tried using things like notepad, but it doesn’t work very well.

Any ideas?

The UPP files are in a custom binary format. You can't view it with any program because there is none.

edit: Now there is one :D

UPPEditor(as unitypackage)

But you can write your own ;) The format is quite simple:

File structure:

  • 16Byte header
  • [Saved Prefs]

for each saved pref:

  • 1 byte: length of pref name
  • pref name
  • 1 byte type identifier
  • [pref data] (depends on the type)

That are the possible type identifier:

  • 0x00 - 0x7F is a short string that is smaller then 128 characters. The actual number is the length of the saved string.
  • 0x80 is a long string. The type identifier is followed by an additional 32Bit integer (4-byte little endian) length. After the length int you'll find the actual string.
  • 0xFD is an IEEE 32Bit float value(4 bytes).
  • 0xFE is a 32Bit integer (4-byte little endian).

The header consists of the word "UnityPrf" (8 bytes) followed by (i guess) two version integers: 0x10000 and 0x100000

That's all (at least at the moment, maybe it get extended in future versions)

I’ve made a UPP File Editor that doesn’t need Unity :wink:

Download (EXE)

Download (Source)

Thanks to Bunny83 for the format :slight_smile: