I’m creating a game with a mechanic similar to Peggle. I’m launching a small spherical projectile at a capsule. The rigidbodies of the objects are constrained such that the collision is effectively 2D (just two circles colliding). I want to calculate the direction the projectile will be heading after the collision.
Currently this is my process:
- Call
along the path of the projectile. - Reflect the projectile velocity about the
vector. - Place an arrow object at
facing the direction of the reflection vector.
Here’s the relevant code (the projectile is launched from the origin):
var raycastHit:RaycastHit;
if(Physics.SphereCast(Vector3.zero, radius, projectileDirection, raycastHit, range)) {
arrow.position = raycastHit.point;
arrow.LookAt(raycastHit.point + Vector3.Reflect(projectileDirection, raycastHit.normal), Vector3.up);
With this method, I’m having two problems:
- The arrow direction is not accurate (as much as 15 degrees off).
detects collisions that the actual projectile never hits (the radius of the sphere collider and the radius parameter passed toSphereCast
are the same).
I have a hunch that this means the actual physics calculation is done differently than I am doing it here (which is the typical “reflect the velocity vector around the contact normal” model). What I need to know is: how can I more accurately predict what the result of the collision is going to be, preferably without writing physics code myself?