Animation package was long time been announced, that is not the priority of DOTS 1.0. It may be something however, in upcoming year or so. But not guarantee. I think DOTS team did mention, they got something in works. Just don’t take me for a word.
Regarding DOTS state, it didn’t stop early adopters, to create amazing games.
Number of them already been released, using some DOTS packages.
Further more, when OP mentioning DOTS, is confusing with ECS. Where ECS is part of DOTS. And DOTS contains number of API. Some like jobs, burst, ECS. Saying that, each package can be used int the product seprately, or in conjunctions with others.
As te results, many developers used just jobs, and burs, to heavy lift complex calculations. Other stuff like animations were perfectly fine using native UnityEngine animation API.
There are also various ways of doing animations. Including way of baking into textures, for high performance.
Hence lack of animation API is no a show stopper really.