How can we export Blender animations to Unity 4 ?

My question is simple : in Unity 3.5, if we wanted to export an animation from Blender, we just had to export it in fbx format. Now with Unity 4, when I export an animated model from Blender, they say “no animations on the object” ? I tried to reimport it all with the animations and I still have the same error message. Is this normal ? How can I do to export my animations with the character ?

Thanks you very much if you have an answer it would help me very much :slight_smile:

Well, I’ll just start from the scratch way I do it.

  • Go to the animation editor window of Blender (Ctrl left-arrow 2 times from the default view).

  • Turn on the DopeSheetSummary, and in the graph looking thing, change it from Dope Sheet to action editor.

  • Now, you can make seperate actions like idle and run by clicking the F (so it’ll remember this animation) and clicking the X to close this animation and start a new animation. I have four animations (each with a different end frame, which you can do by pressing E on the frame you want it to end, or through the button on the bottom that says Frame->Set End Frame).

  • After you make your animations, Export as FBX without including the Default Take, and deselect everything except for Armature and Mesh for export (all these settings are going to be on the left of the screen).

  • In Unity, make sure to change the scale of the imported object to 1, and now in the animations tab, you’ll see your animations. Make sure to loop anyones that you want looped.

  • Hope this helps-- Hyperion

Check out Exporting multiple animations from Blender - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions to see if it may help you.

You have to animate BONES only in Pose Mode. No other animation Action will show up as a seperate clip.

If you’re animating a cube, add an Armature. Select the cube object, and then shift-select the bone object. CTRL-P > Make Parent > Automatic Weights.

Now Actions that animate the bone will show up in Unity.

If they don’t, follow the instructions above, and select your FBX in Unity. In the Animations tab you’ll see a list of Clips. If they’re not there, you can add them manually, then choose the correct “Source Take” from the drop-down menu. Your Blender anim’s should show up in this drop-down.

Blender now supports .blend files, including for animations, because I imported them myself.

The question is, does Unity allow .blend animations to be used for the charactercontroller, because I still have not been able to use them.