How Can we make moving background like in Magnets game ??

Hello everybody, i am trying to make moving background meanwhile changing color like in the game
Magnets but i have no idea how to make it. Any ideas ??


You need a UV scroller:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class UVScroll : MonoBehaviour 
	public float offsetX = 0.5F;
	public float offsetY = 0.5F;
	private Renderer rend;

	void Start() 
		rend = GetComponent<Renderer>();

	void Update() 
		float offsetx = Time.time * offsetX;
		float offsety = Time.time * offsetY;
		rend.material.mainTextureOffset = new Vector2(offsetx, offsety);

Let me know if this helps :wink:

Not totally sure what you’re asking for, but shaders are probably what you’re after. Using shaders you can scroll texture UV, change colouring etc.

They can be a bit confusing for beginners but if you want to make pretty games, they are essential.
