How can we view 3d objects from top down view in TD game

Hep ppl, I am making a tower defense game. I am working in x and y axis only. I have made a grid, snapped towers and made a pathfinding algo to run enemy. Initially I have worked with cubes and spheres in place of towers and enemies.

Now I am going to place real towers (3D). Note that I haven’t used z axis up till now. The user will analyze the game from top down view.

I want user to see towers placement with a little bit of 3d view but I have made my all code in 2d thing. Is there any solution to my problem that somewhat tower placement would view a 3D touch or you can say 2.5D ?? (like fieldrunners) or should I have to involve z axis and ignoring y axis ?

Well, any 2D code you have done up till this point is techinically 2.5D anyway, so I’m not sure what you’d need to change! If you want your grid to be mapped onto rough terrain (hills etc.), you could manage it by putting the actual grid high in the sky, and sending raycasts down onto a terrain object to work out the actual positions. The code is still 2D, but mapped onto a 3D environment!