How can you have multiple tilemaps in a scene and load them separately? Wie kann man mehrere Tilemaps in einer Scene haben und sie seperat laden?

Google English Translation:

How can you have multiple tilemaps in a scene and load them separately?

I had in mind to create many different 16 * 16 large level pieces (as in Spelunke) and then generate a random map with them. I then created a Tilemap and built the first piece. Then I wanted to do the next but when I create a new Tilemap everything I build in it is built on the first Tilemap so that it includes both levels. Does anyone understand my problem and can help me?

Original Text:

Ich hatte vor mir viele verschiedene 16*16 große Levelstücken (wie in Spelunke) zu erstellen und mit ihnen dann eine zufällige Map zu generieren. Ich hab dann eine Tilemap erstellt und das erste Stück gebaut. Danach wollte ich das nächste machen aber wenn ich eine neue Tilemap erstelle wird alles was ich darin baue auf der ersten Tilemap gebaut sodass sie beide Levelstücke beinhaltet. Versteht jemand mein Problem und kann mir helfen?

Google English Translation:

How can you have multiple tilemaps in a scene and load them separately?

I had in mind to create many different 16 * 16 large level pieces (as in Spelunke) and then generate a random map with them. I then created a Tilemap and built the first piece. Then I wanted to do the next but when I create a new Tilemap everything I build in it is built on the first Tilemap so that it includes both levels. Does anyone understand my problem and can help me?

HI, I have the exact same question, where you able to solve this and how? If not please someone assist!!!,I have exactly this issue right now, where you able to fix it and how?