How close game from moding?

I want to make my game closed. So nobody take and sees scripts assets music.

You can’t prevent the extraction of assets and scripts.


then it has to run streamed from the cloud (user doesn’t have any access to its files).

otherwise anything can be decompiled with some effort…


Don’t publish the game! Doesn’t get any more closed than that. It’s the only way to protect your assets from getting copied.

PS: Nobody is going to care about your assets unless they’re super-duper triple-A quality and your game is a megahit.


And even then most of them are only going to mess around with them.

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A better idea would to stream the game on YouTube and asks the players to issue commands in the comments section:sunglasses:

EDIT: thinking about it, it could be really cool and totally doable to create something like this, where you organize polls each x seconds and let Youtubers vote for the next step to take, reminds me of old games with live videos (like Mad Dog McCree) but with multiplayer/live collaboration.


Yeah they have big Legal teams just for this, so AAA developers don’t care about “protecting the assets”. Also MODs can really be beneficial to extend the game lifetime, and for free!

Mods and memes alike. :wink:


Great idea!

In fact it makes me wonder why developer streams aren’t asking their viewers “what code should I write on the next line?”. Pretty sure the code quality would actually go up rather than degrade, provided the streamer is able to judge and select not the popular choice but the expert suggestions.

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Done in person, this is known as mob programming (rather than pair programming) and it is pretty nutty stuff.

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But wait … what? This isn’t satire?? It even has a wikipedia entry. And even “remote mob programming” is a thing! :hushed:

I’m sure this has GOT to be the most elaborate April fool’s joke ever and nobody caught on to it … yet! :sunglasses:

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Actually there are some games a bit like this… I watched one on a twitch stream, where guy plays a kinda simple platform game but he doesnt get to make any choices, the viewers vote… was a scream as half the things we as viewers voted on were… ambigous, and so it might just say “bigger” or “smaller” didnt say what… and it didnt always mean the same thing… so, it was almost like if the game was going to get too easy, it backfired and made it harder

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Thank you. Wasn’t aware it was a thing, my idea is that the game would be fully automatic, using YouTube API, including the streaming part, without the need of any developer/streamer manipulation. Could be awesome.

No but maybe your thought is an extension of that… but i hadnt seen games like it until a couple of weeks back, and i found it great fun as it really does get the audience involved and then just as they think they voted to help… nope… hahaha

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