How could I calculate the distance to recieve the nearest object to the player?

The problem is that i cant set the rockets (player) position to the closest Planet when it should landing like in this little flashgame: Run From the Sun - Play on Armor Games
How could I calculate the nearest Planet in help of Distance/Collission?

Here is something that I´v tried but it isnt working:

void Update()
        Distance = Vector3.Distance(GameObject.Find("Rakete").transform.position, GameObject.Find("Planet(Clone)").transform.position);
        if (Aktivierunsvariable == true)
            if (Distance < 10)
                GameObject.Find("Rakete").transform.parent = GameObject.Find("Planet(Clone)").transform;//setchild
                Flugerlaubt = false;
                Aktivierunsvariable = false;

            if (Distance > 10)
                Aktivierunsvariable = true;

        //KEYBOARD SPACE (setzt Flugerlaubnis auf true)
        if (Input.GetKeyDown("space"))
            GameObject.Find("Rakete").transform.parent = null;//unchild
            Flugerlaubt = true;
        //Flugvariable (Rakete fliegt los) 
        if (Flugerlaubt == true)
            //Rakete fliegt vorwärts
            GameObject.Find("Rakete").transform.Translate(Vector3.up * 1 * Time.deltaTime);


using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class FindNearestPlanet : MonoBehaviour
    // You need to store a list of all of the planets
    // If you add them procedurally, you need to update this list each time to add or remove a planet
    private List<Transform> planetTransforms; 
    private Transform targetPlanetTransform; // The current planet we are moving to if we find one
    private Transform playerTransform;
    private float minDistance = 10f;
    private float flyingSpeed = 5f;

    // State of player
    private bool onPlanet = false;
    private bool flying = false;
    private bool foundPlanet = false;

    private void Update()
        if ( onPlanet )
            // You would put the code to rotate the player with the planet in here, ok?
            // If you are setting the planet as parent of ship, the ship SHOULD rotate with the planet,
            // If the planet is rotating

            if ( Input.GetKeyDown( KeyCode.Space ) )
                // Change state of player
                onPlanet = false;
                flying = true;

                // Detach from the planet
                playerTransform.parent = null;
        else if ( flying )
            if ( !foundPlanet )
                // If the player is flying but not found a planet, move the ship
                // Again, you would have to calculate the x and y speeds based on the angle of your ship when it left the planet
                // So this line is just example
                playerTransform.Translate( new Vector3( flyingSpeed , flyingSpeed , 0 ) );

                // Then we check for the nearest planet
                int closestIndex = 0; // Keep track of index in the list of planetTransforms
                float shortestDistance = 100; // Used to compare each distance, I put it at 100 to start for simplicity
                float currentDistance = 0;

                // Loop through the list
                for ( int i = 0; i < planetTransforms.Count; i++ )
                    currentDistance = Vector3.Distance( playerTransform.position , planetTransforms[ i ].position );

                    if ( currentDistance < minDistance && currentDistance < shortestDistance )
                        // if the distance to the current planet in the list is closer than the previous shortestDistance, store the list info
                        closestIndex = i;
                        shortestDistance = currentDistance;

                        // So once we find it we arent checking distance every frame
                        foundPlanet = true;

                // Once we are done looping, we have the index of the transform with the clostest distance, so we set that
                // So our ship can move to that location (targetPlanetTransform)
                targetPlanetTransform = planetTransforms[ closestIndex ];
            else // Otherwise if we found a planet, move the player towards it
                playerTransform.position = Vector3.Lerp( playerTransform.position , targetPlanetTransform.position , 0.125f );

                float distanceToPlanet = Vector3.Distance( playerTransform.position , targetPlanetTransform.position );

                // Or whetever distance u like,
                // You may have to do a little calculation if you want the ship to go right on the edge of the planet
                if ( distanceToPlanet < 0.1f )
                    Vector3 direction = Vector3.Normalize( playerTransform.position - targetPlanetTransform.position );
                    float radius = targetPlanetTransform.localScale.x / 2;
                    Vector3 edgeOfCircle = targetPlanetTransform.position + ( direction * radius );

                    playerTransform.position = edgeOfCircle;
                    playerTransform.SetParent( targetPlanetTransform );

                    // Set state
                    flying = false;
                    onPlanet = true;

Thank you very very much, but i’m too inexperienced to adjust the script (to my scene). I’m really new at Unity. I´ve uploudet the project in a zip file:

best regards