How decrease angle of rotation.

May be it is quite simple question, but cant figure out how it should be done. Idea is to get angle for Y terrain normal, then get a half of this angle and apply it to GameObject rotation. GameObjects is rotated to some target as well. Here is my function:

function getTerrainRot(myTarget:Vector3,terrPos: Vector3,modelRot:Quaternion){
	var terrHit: RaycastHit;
	var newPos: Vector3;
	var normal_q: Quaternion;
	var rot: Quaternion;
	if(Physics.Raycast (terrPos, -Vector3.up, terrHit, 10.0)){
		normal_q = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, terrHit.normal);
            normal_q =  Quaternion.Lerp(modelRot,normal_q,0.5);
	newPos = myTarget - terrPos;
	newPos.y = 0;
	rot = normal_q * Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, newPos);
	return Quaternion.Slerp(modelRot, rot, Time.deltaTime*5);

But it return changes for whole XYZW rotation, but I need only for Y.


I found solution. I was wrong that Y rotation was needed. X and Z are required, because Y rotation is responsible for forward direction. So for now I should only add:

rot.x = Mathf.Lerp(0.0, rot.x, 0.4);
rot.z = Mathf.Lerp(0.0, rot.z, 0.4);

now my model get only a part of terrain normal angle.