how do design a side scroller clear blocking edges?

im working on a side scroller like “Paper Mario” style and was was wondering how would i make clear
edge blockers so people wont run off - like a glass [see throw] wall of sorts… would this be done by a
special mesh or something else completely…

                                                                  any help would be great:
                                                                  thomas enigmax

2D Colliders

Add an empty game object and add to it a BoxCollider2D component.
You can click the “Edit Collider” button to edit its shape.

The player must also have a collider and a rigidbody component.

If you don’t want to use Physics, you can have a Box Collider 2D set as a trigger, that will send messages (SendMessage()) to whatever objects leave (OnTriggerExit2D()) the area. The objects that receive the message can reset their position.

Or you can also implement a whole GameArea mechanics, like the one I talk about in my training course here.