How do friction/bounce combine settings work?

I’m looking at PhysicMaterials at the moment, and i’m quite pleased to see the Bounce Combined and Friction combine settings.

They look very useful for determining how materials work. Except for the rather glaring flaw that EVERY physic material has these settings.

How can this system possibly work out when two materials disagree on how these values should combine? If one says minimum and one says maximum for example, it’s impossible to satisfy them both.

I need a little information on how this works

i’m having problems at the same question.
i have static mesh with a plane collider and spheres on it.

plane has dynamic friction of 1 with maximum mode and sphere has 0.02 with multiply mode. so what effects the spheres? there is also static ones that have different coefficients.

Same question here! (I realize that this is an old thread, but I up against the same question): How is a coefficient of friction determined between two objects who have different phys material settings (“Average” “Max” “Min”, etc).

Edit: Fixed some dead links

Note the line in the second link:
“The properties in the table are in priority order.”