How do I access a GUIText gameobject from C# script?

I have created a GUIText object which is sitting in my Hierarch (Only two things, Main Camera and TextObject - TextObject is not “linked” to MainCamera). In my C# code I want to be able to access the TextObject and change it’s text based on something that is happening in the C# code.

C# snipet

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Network;

public class MulticastRecv : MonoBehaviour 
	private Multicast _multicast = new Multicast();

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () 
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () 
		_multicast.Receive("", "65000");
		bool received = _multicast.ReceivingPackets();
		if(received == true)
					TextObject.text = "Receiving";
					TextObject.text = "Not Receiving";

When I hit the play button I get the follow error:
“CS0103: The name ‘TextObject’ does not exist in the current context” referring to the TextObject.text assignment I’m trying to do.

Not sure how to get TextObject into the right context. I’m sure that part of the problem here is that I haven’t fully wrapped my head around the Unity gui system yet. But something isn’t right. The examples for C# code are pretty scarce on the forums.

Any help would be appreciated.


Figured it out, but for the next poor soul – It had nothing to do with the script per-se… All I had to do is assign (drag-drop the script onto the gameobject in the hierarchy viewer) the script to the GUIText gameobject and then use the guiText.text keyword to change the text of my GUIText gameobject, rather than using the name that I gave it.