How do I access Singleton Pattern Script in Unity3d C#

Okay. I got one script ’ script in singleton pattern . I have an issue with the other script . I need to know what I need to change on the script call Game . I need to access the GameManagerSingleton from the game script is what I am saying. I know need to make some changes on it . I don’t know how to approach this situation. I made some changes on the game script so I can access the singleton script . But I am getting a lot of errors. The game script access and keep track of the score and time . I just need the score code on the game script to be corrected. Here are my scripts :

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class GameManagerSingleton : MonoBehaviour
public static GameManagerSingleton instance = null;

 public int score = 0;
Text text;
 void Awake()
     if (instance != null && instance != this)
         Destroy(gameObject);    // Ensures that there aren't multiple Singletons

     instance = this;


public class ScoreObject
void IncreaseScore()

     GameManagerSingleton.instance.score += pointsEarned;

void Update()

 	 text.text = "Score : " + score;



using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
public class Game : MonoBehavior

 private GameManagerSingleton GameManagerSingletonScript  _ Instance
 private myclock MyClockScript;

 private void Start () 
    GameManagerSingleton = GetComponent<GameManagerSingleton>();
     myClock = GetComponent<MyClockScript>();

 void Update () 
     if (myClock != NULL && GameManagerSingleton != NULL)
       // need somthing here
       if (m_leftTime >= 0 &&  50 < GameManagerSingleton.score)


One of the features of singletons is that you can access the public static instance. There is no need for GetComponent and storing it in a separate class. You simply access the singleton with GameManagerSingleton.instance.

Is that a class inside of a class? Why is ScoreObject inside of GameManagerSingleton? How can IncreaseScore() use pointsEarned, if that pointsEarned isn’t declared anywhere? Well, I’ll ignore that because you only asked about Game script.

public class Game : MonoBehavior {

      private myclock MyClockScript;
      private void Start () 
         myClock = GetComponent<MyClockScript>();
      void Update () 
          if (myClock.m_leftTime <= 0 || GameManagerSingleton.instance.score > 50)
  • Use “null”, not “NULL”. it’s case-sensitive
  • No need to store a reference of GameManagerSingleton
  • m_leftTime is not declared anywhere, I’m assuming that’s a property from MyClockScript.
  • GameManagerSingleton.score should be GameManagerSingleton.instance.score
  • I don’t know what conditions you want for loading the “time” scene, but I’m going to guess you want to switch when time runs out or when the score is above 50, I’m not sure though, there are no comments describing the condition.

When writing scripts, it’s better to write a little bit, compile it, check for errors and fix them immediately. Instead of writing 100s of lines and trying to fix all the errors at once.