How do I access Unity's Cloud Code scripts?


I have a project which uses Unity Authentication, Economy and Cloud Code. My aim is to make a “stockmarket simulator”, with the CC storing a dictionary, referring each Economy currency to a value (iron currently costs 5 credits, steel costs 15 credits, etc.). My current CC JS code is:

// Unity Cloud Code Script: Handle Dictionary with Action Parameter
module.exports = async (params, context) => {
  try {
    // Check if the 'action' parameter exists
    if (!params.action) {
      throw new Error("Missing 'action' parameter.");

    // Process based on the 'action' parameter
    if (params.action === "getDictionary") {
      const myDictionary = {
        "CREDITS": 1,
        "IRON": 5

      return myDictionary; // Return only the dictionary
    } else {
      throw new Error(`Unknown action: ${params.action}`);
  } catch (error) {
    // Log and return error to the client
    return {
      success: false,
      message: error.message

Now I have a few questions.

a). Do I need to set a parameter for the JS script? If so, which one (string, int, etc.)
b). How do I retrieve the dictionary from a Unity C# script? What I currently have is this, but it is currently not working very well (throws an error):

// Define parameters for Cloud Code call
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>
    { "action", "getDictionary" }

// Call the Cloud Code script and expect a dictionary response
Dictionary<string, int> result = await CloudCodeService.Instance.CallEndpointAsync<Dictionary<string, int>>("ValueManager", parameters);

Debug.Log("Dictionary fetched successfully!");

c). Do I have the CallEndpointAsync function called wrongly? Am I mixing up the parameters?

If anybody can answer any of those questions, I would be very grateful.

Arcane Creator


I’d appreciate a response even if it is only for one of the questions.
Also, if you have an alternate solution, that is welcome too

Bump once again.

Sorry for the bumps, but I would like a response soon from anyone.


Hi. I can see you’re using Cloud Code JS and trying to pass in an “action” parameter. Did you create that as a string parameter in the dasboard?

I would recommend you check out Cloud Code C# Modules. It offers a “binding generation” which makes interacting with your cloud code way easier.

However, if you want to use Cloud Code JS and receive the response in the form of a dictionary you can do this:

var arguments = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "action", "getDictionary" } };
var response = await CloudCodeService.Instance.CallEndpointAsync<Dictionary<string, object>>("ValueManager", arguments);

int credits = System.Convert.ToInt32(response["CREDITS"]);
int iron = System.Convert.ToInt32(response["IRON"]);

Hope this helps!

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To build on what Marius is saying, if you’re creating it from the dashboard you need to add parameters

or through the editor :

or in the script through the editor export params:

Or as Marius said, you could use C# modules which are overall more robust.


Hi there.

Thanks for your answer, it has helped, I have moved on from one error message to another :wink:

I have updated my script to this:

// Define parameters for Cloud Code call
var arguments = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "action", "getDictionary" } };
var response = await CloudCodeService.Instance.CallEndpointAsync<Dictionary<string, object>>("ValueManager", arguments);

Dictionary<string, int> result = new Dictionary<string, int>();
foreach (var keyValuePair in response)
    Debug.Log($"{keyValuePair.Key}, {keyValuePair.Value}"); //result.Add(keyValuePair.Key, System.Convert.ToInt32(keyValuePair.Value));

Now, I am getting three messages.
1). “message, Missing ‘action’ parameter.”
2). “success, False” (This was caused by the first Debug.Log)
3). “Dictionary fetched successfully!” (This was caused by the second Debug.Log)

What I understand is that I am somehow passing the action parameter incorrectly, but I do not understand how. I have added a string parameter in the dashboard called “action”, and my arguments dictionary has the correct (according to you) key and value.

How do I correct this? To be clear, I am trying to get a Dictionary<string, int> out of this.


Update from extensive debugging.

The JS script is getting an error and catches it. It sends a dictionary with {(success, False), (message, missing “action” parameter)}.

So somehow the JS script is not getting my getDictionary action parameter. Do you know why and how I can fix this?


Hi @Arcane_Creator

So somehow the JS script is not getting my getDictionary action parameter. Do you know why and how I can fix this?

Looking at your shared JS code, I think the issue is with how the arguments are being passed through to your function:

module.exports = async (params, context) => {

should be

module.exports = async ({ params, context }) => {

Wow, thanks.

I am a complete beginner to cloud code (and Javascript in general) so I don’t think I would have ever spotted it :slight_smile:

Thanks again

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Hi @Arcane_Creator,
Did you get your initial script from a template? Im wondering if there’s some doc that needs to be fixed.


No, I did not use a template, your docs are all fine (as far as I know).
I pieced it together from several different places, and there was quite a bit of copy-pasteing involved (which explains my problem).

Thanks for asking!

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