how do i add a 2D binding in a script inspector?


no idea how, the samples are already set but when i clidk on the existing binding it doesn’t highlight anything int the project view (it needs to for consistency)

Double-click the binding to pop up its properties. Not super discoverable.

Hi @Rene-Damm , since this is a thread about 2D bindings, Is this a bug?

As you can see, by right clicking the action i can add a 2D Vector composite. However, that’s not possible using the plus icon.

I’m using Unity 2020.1.1f1 + Input System 1.0.0 (Verified).

Yup, it is. In the menu on the right, composites that don’t make sense are correctly filtered out. In the menu on the left, the same isn’t happening so it shows everything.

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i was expecting to drag and drop the action from the action map asset…
a workflow to consider

Fix pending.

