How do I add a flare to my scene?

Hello. My name is Richard and I am new to Unity. I wasn’t sure what topic to post this in, so sorry if it’s in the wrong place. I have a friend on this forum who has helped me out a great deal getting used to the basics of the engine. So far I love it. I am wanting to add a flare to my scene, but unsure where to add it. The ways I have tried so far do not work. It would be great if you could point me in the right direction.



Select the Light you want to add it to in the Hierarchy and you should see a flare drop down in the inspector section on the right of the unity screen. If you are after a sun effect select the directional light that is there and add it to that. You can change the culling mask to nothing if your scene is lightmapped and you don’t want the light to affect polys in your scene etc.

Also, I think there are now additional flares to download from the Unity site although I haven’t look at them myself.


Oh yeah, I saw the new ones on the site the other day. Thanks mate :smile: