How Do I Add An Audio File To A Button

I Want It So That When I Tap On The Button On An Android Phone Or Tablet It Plays An Audio File

you don’t need any code for that if you don’t have to change clip @ runtime but you have to know how to use On Click Event if not see this Make buttons do something

then attach an AudioSource to the button & add audio clip the AudioSource then create On Click event then drag & drop the button to the On Click empty field then open the drop down menu next to it highlight the AudioSource then other panel will open select Play();

  1. You can add an AudioSource and attach it to any GameObject.
  2. Uncheck PlayOnAwake.
  3. Uncheck Loop as well if you don’t want it to play in a loop.
  4. Get reference of that GameObject in your script.
  5. Play it when needed.


    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    public class SoundManager : MonoBehaviour {
        public AudioSource sound;
        public AudioClip clipSound;
        public bool playSound;
        void Start()
            sound.clip = clipSound;
            playSound= false;
        void Update () 
            if (playSound)
                playSound= false;

You can update the value of the bool whenever you want to play sound, i.e. on your click on button.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: