How do I add bounds to stop the camera following the player when it reaches the end of the level?

The movement is smooth and tweakable. how do i add to this code so that the camera stops moving when the end of the level in x or y direction is reached??


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class CameraFollow : MonoBehaviour {

	public Controller2D target; //the player is chosen
	public float verticalOffset;
	public float lookAheadDstX;//the distance in front of the player that is shown
	public float lookSmoothTimeX;
	public float verticalSmoothTime;
	public Vector2 focusAreaSize;

	FocusArea focusArea;

	float currentLookAheadX;
	float targetLookAheadX;
	float lookAheadDirX;
	float smoothLookVelocityX;
	float smoothVelocityY;

	bool lookAheadStopped;

	void Start() {
		focusArea = new FocusArea (target.collider.bounds, focusAreaSize);

	void LateUpdate() {
		focusArea.Update (target.collider.bounds);

		Vector2 focusPosition = focusArea.centre + Vector2.up * verticalOffset;

		if (focusArea.velocity.x != 0) {
			lookAheadDirX = Mathf.Sign (focusArea.velocity.x);
			if (Mathf.Sign(target.playerInput.x) == Mathf.Sign(focusArea.velocity.x) && target.playerInput.x != 0) {
				lookAheadStopped = false;
				targetLookAheadX = lookAheadDirX * lookAheadDstX;
			else {
				if (!lookAheadStopped) {
					lookAheadStopped = true;
					targetLookAheadX = currentLookAheadX + (lookAheadDirX * lookAheadDstX - currentLookAheadX)/4f;

		currentLookAheadX = Mathf.SmoothDamp (currentLookAheadX, targetLookAheadX, ref smoothLookVelocityX, lookSmoothTimeX);

		focusPosition.y = Mathf.SmoothDamp (transform.position.y, focusPosition.y, ref smoothVelocityY, verticalSmoothTime);
		focusPosition += Vector2.right * currentLookAheadX;
		transform.position = (Vector3)focusPosition + Vector3.forward * -10;

	void OnDrawGizmos() {
		Gizmos.color = new Color (1, 0, 0, .5f);
		Gizmos.DrawCube (focusArea.centre, focusAreaSize);

	struct FocusArea {
		public Vector2 centre;
		public Vector2 velocity;
		float left,right;
		float top,bottom;

		public FocusArea(Bounds targetBounds, Vector2 size) {
			left = - size.x/2;
			right = + size.x/2;
			bottom = targetBounds.min.y;
			top = targetBounds.min.y + size.y;

			velocity =;
			centre = new Vector2((left+right)/2,(top +bottom)/2);

		public void Update(Bounds targetBounds) {
			float shiftX = 0;
			if (targetBounds.min.x < left) {
				shiftX = targetBounds.min.x - left;
			} else if (targetBounds.max.x > right) {
				shiftX = targetBounds.max.x - right;
			left += shiftX;
			right += shiftX;

			float shiftY = 0;
			if (targetBounds.min.y < bottom) {
				shiftY = targetBounds.min.y - bottom;
			} else if (targetBounds.max.y > top) {
				shiftY = targetBounds.max.y - top;
			top += shiftY;
			bottom += shiftY;
			centre = new Vector2((left+right)/2,(top +bottom)/2);
			velocity = new Vector2 (shiftX, shiftY);


For the camera, I just add a rigidbody and a spring joint attached to my player. Then if you want it to stop at the end of the level, simply add some coliders that only affect the camera.

Just add a clamping line around line 47:

Vector2 minPosition;
Vector2 maxPosition;


focusPosition += Vector2.right * currentLookAheadX;
focusPosition = Vector2.Min(focusPosition , maxPosition);
focusPosition = Vector2.Max(focusPosition , minPosition);


Thanks everyone for the help.

I added a Box Collider2D and used its bounds to be the level limits. In that way, I can resize the Collider according to the level and it will act as the level limit for the camera.

The complete code if anyone is interested

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class CameraFollow : MonoBehaviour {

	public Controller2D target;
	public float verticalOffset;
	public float lookAheadDstX;
	public float lookSmoothTimeX;
	public float verticalSmoothTime;
	public Vector2 focusAreaSize;

	FocusArea focusArea;

	public BoxCollider2D levelBounds;
	private Vector2 minPosition;
	private Vector2 maxPosition;

	float currentLookAheadX;
	float targetLookAheadX;
	float lookAheadDirX;
	float smoothLookVelocityX;
	float smoothVelocityY;

	bool lookAheadStopped;

	void Start() {

		minPosition = levelBounds.bounds.min;
		maxPosition = levelBounds.bounds.max;
		focusArea = new FocusArea (target.collider.bounds, focusAreaSize);

	void LateUpdate() {
		focusArea.Update (target.collider.bounds);

		Vector2 focusPosition = focusArea.centre + Vector2.up * verticalOffset;

		if (focusArea.velocity.x != 0) {
			lookAheadDirX = Mathf.Sign (focusArea.velocity.x);
			if (Mathf.Sign(target.playerInput.x) == Mathf.Sign(focusArea.velocity.x) && target.playerInput.x != 0) {
				lookAheadStopped = false;
				targetLookAheadX = lookAheadDirX * lookAheadDstX;
			else {
				if (!lookAheadStopped) {
					lookAheadStopped = true;
					targetLookAheadX = currentLookAheadX + (lookAheadDirX * lookAheadDstX - currentLookAheadX)/4f;

		currentLookAheadX = Mathf.SmoothDamp (currentLookAheadX, targetLookAheadX, ref smoothLookVelocityX, lookSmoothTimeX);

		focusPosition.y = Mathf.SmoothDamp (transform.position.y, focusPosition.y, ref smoothVelocityY, verticalSmoothTime);
		focusPosition += Vector2.right * currentLookAheadX;
		focusPosition = Vector2.Min (focusPosition, maxPosition);
		focusPosition = Vector2.Max (focusPosition, minPosition);
		transform.position = (Vector3)focusPosition + Vector3.forward * -10;

	void OnDrawGizmos() {
		Gizmos.color = new Color (1, 0, 0, .5f);
		Gizmos.DrawCube (focusArea.centre, focusAreaSize);

	struct FocusArea {
		public Vector2 centre;
		public Vector2 velocity;
		float left,right;
		float top,bottom;

		public FocusArea(Bounds targetBounds, Vector2 size) {
			left = - size.x/2;
			right = + size.x/2;
			bottom = targetBounds.min.y;
			top = targetBounds.min.y + size.y;

			velocity =;
			centre = new Vector2((left+right)/2,(top +bottom)/2);

		public void Update(Bounds targetBounds) {
			float shiftX = 0;
			if (targetBounds.min.x < left) {
				shiftX = targetBounds.min.x - left;
			} else if (targetBounds.max.x > right) {
				shiftX = targetBounds.max.x - right;
			left += shiftX;
			right += shiftX;

			float shiftY = 0;
			if (targetBounds.min.y < bottom) {
				shiftY = targetBounds.min.y - bottom;
			} else if (targetBounds.max.y > top) {
				shiftY = targetBounds.max.y - top;
			top += shiftY;
			bottom += shiftY;
			centre = new Vector2((left+right)/2,(top +bottom)/2);
			velocity = new Vector2 (shiftX, shiftY);
