I have a script that creates an empty render texture in which a camera will render to.
The render texture is saved in the assets folder.
RenderTexture rt;
Camera mycamera;
rt = new RenderTexture(512, 512, 16, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
Debug.Log("rt done !");
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(rt, "Assets" + "/toto"+ ".rendertexture");
In the editor, all I have to do is pick the target texture in the camera component and select the toto.rendertexture
in the asset folder. Easy peasy.
But for the life of me, I can’t find how to do the same thing with a C# script.
I tried all sorts of combos with the following line below.
mycamera.targetTexture = rt;
But the target texture in the camera component still seems to be “none”.
I tried adding this line to no avail.
rt = Resources.Load<RenderTexture>( "toto_"+ND2.ToString()+".rendertexture" );
RenderTexture.active = rt;
I am out of ideas ATM.