how do i calculate the angle to fire a bullet to intercect

i have been doing a tower defence game. and came accross a problem that i can not solve

in 2d terms
i have a enemy at 0,0 moving eastwards at 20 miles per hour

the tower is south of the enemy by 30 miles and the bullet travels at 90 miles per hour.

i need to figure out what angle or vector i need the tower to be facing for the bullet to hit the target .

i have been told that i might need to use quadratic equations , but i still cant figure it out . is there any good links on how to do the calculations

If you look, tower defense games don’t lead targets. Bullets go fast enough and are wide enough they don’t need to lead, or they are guided.

But, a very cheap way to do it is to find flightTime=targDist/bulletSpeed. Then lead the target by that much: aimPos=targPos+targMovePerSec*flightTime. That’s not quite right, since time to the new target is different, but close enough most of the time.