I don’t know any good ways of changing the box collider for my character during its jump animation and after doing some research, I decided to use the Animation Window. It took forever to even access the animation from the drop down because it was Read-Only. But now that I’ve gotten to it and figured out how to add the box collider size and center as a property to edit during the animation, it won’t work. I want to edit the collider through the values in the Animation Window by also looking at the animation in the Scene view, but every time I press play in the Animation Window, I get a ton of errors saying “NullReferenceException: The PlayableOutput is null.” I feel like wanting to change the collider size during an animation shouldn’t be too hard because it doesn’t sound that hard. But just getting to this point has been nothing short of ridiculous, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t getting frustrated. I can’t find a single resource online showing how to edit a 3D box collider to change in size during an animation. Please help!
I just read a thread a couple of days ago where someone else wasn’t able to animate a collider.
If you can’t get this to work, maybe you could add a separate bone to the rig to be used for the collider size. You could animate this bone position depending on the what animation the character is doing.
Then in a script, adjust the collider size based on the bone position.
First, ensure that your animation window isn’t set to Read-Only mode. If you’re seeing a “NullReferenceException: The PlayableOutput is null” error when you press play, it might indicate an issue with your animation setup. If issues persist, search for videos on youtube.
It’s not Read-Only, and I’m not sure what issue I could have with my animation set up. I’ve searched for resources online and I have not found anything useful or related. That’s why I’m posting on this forum.
I’m gonna be honest. I got this character asset from Mixamo, and I was previously using one I made from Character Creator 4. I don’t think it’s a good idea to dive into this because I’m sure there’s an easier solution and/or workaround. I think I’m going to manually hardcode it and hope I don’t get errors.
create a cube on the bone, it has mesh renderer and box collider.
instead of setting the size and center of the collider, you can set the position and scale of the cube transform.
try to animate the position and scale.
if everything works for you, remove the renderer