How do I change a boolean with OnTriggerEnter?

I’m making a 3D platformer for the Rift and I don’t want the player to control the camera so I want to it move to different positions depending on where you are in the level. In the code above I have the camera moveable by pressing the G and H keys and it works but ultimately I want to place triggers around the level that move the camera where it needs to be and I have no idea why it’s not working but going through the trigger does nothing. I’ve used info : Collider and other : Collider (I don’t know what the difference is) and neither work. Any suggestions? And, is this even the best way to do this?


#pragma strict

var target : Transform;
public var distance = 10;
public var lift = 1.5;
public var unknown = 0;
var camPosition = Vector3(unknown, lift, distance);
var camSide = true;

function Update () {
	if (camSide){
	transform.position = target.position +Vector3(unknown, lift, distance);
	if (!camSide) {
	transform.position = target.position +Vector3(distance, lift, unknown);
	if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.G)){
		camSide = false;
	}else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.H)){
		camSide = true;

	transform.LookAt (target);

function OnTriggerEnter(other : Collider){
	if (other.tag == "cam1"){
	camSide = false;


Go to the gameobject in the inspector add a rigidbody to and check isTrigger selected on the collider section

hope this will solve the issue