How do i change default material?

Hi, whenever I create a new 3D gameobject, it always has some sort of crazy texture on it. I know how to fix this and I have created a new material that is what I want, but I was just wondering, is there any way to change the default material that unity uses so that I don’t have to manually change it everytime? If there’s no inbuilt way, is there a script that could be used?


Even if you could change the default material, textures and primitives, I would recommend you not to change it. Either you have to create a new materials for each object you create, or you can create a Prefab with your own material assigned. Either way, you should be aware that materials and it’s assigned shader linked to more than one object, shares the attributes, so if you change it, you change it for all objects!

if you change it to white it practically defaults.
for example:
GetComponentInChildren().material.color = Color.white;