How do I change the selection index of a ListView so that it updates properly?

When I use either .ScrollToItem(newIndex) or .selectedIndex = newIndex the ListView does not seem to update and highlight the indicated index/item.

What is the correct way to change the selected index of a ListView in code?

Use case would be when adding new items to a list, and trying to focus them immediately.

Since you haven’t had another response I’ll take a guess. Maybe you need to .Refresh() after updating?

Before applying the modifications to the list data, it checks that the list has valid data by calling this method:

private bool HasValidDataAndBindings()
    return itemsSource != null && makeItem != null && bindItem != null;

Since you’re selecting your element before your list is completely ready, you could make sure that all those properties aren’t null, as that could be the source of your problem.