How do I code 2D RPG movement and animator animations with Playmaker?

Okay, so I have this simple RPG game that I want to make, but I’m having a bit of trouble figuring out how to code the character’s movements and idle animations in Playmaker.
In the Animator, I have all the BlendTree layers created (Idle, Walking, etc.) [so the Base Layer in the Animator window looks tidier] and they contain animations for each direction for my character (up, down, left and right), each of which are set with X and Y position parameters to correspond with each direction:
Up (0, 1), Down (0, -1), Left (-1, 0) and Right (1, 0). These are set for both the ‘Walking’ and ‘Idle’ BlendTrees.

Now how do I take these animations and code them into Playmaker?

What I want to do is, when I press a specific arrow key down, it should play the corresponding animation (from the BlendTree) while moving and when I release that arrow key, the player should stop in the idle animation that matches the direction the player was moving last.

Any help would be appreciated.


any reason you want to do it with playmaker?

this would be very easy to do using c#