I’m pretty new to coding, but you can see where i’m stuck here:
I wan’t him to stay confined to the platforms and not be able to wander off of them.
I am pretty sure if involves using the clamp function, but i haven’t been able to get it to work.
Put blocks (without rigidbodys) around the edges of the platform with their mesh renderers turned off, and put a character controller on your character if he does not already have one.
the blocks that are already there (the pink ones), look like they have rigidbodys on them, and that is why they fall over when the player touches them, but if you just put in a regular old cube gameobject, the player shouldn’t be able to run through it or move it.
You may have to adjust your movement script to use the character controller(if you were not already using one), but those changes should fix it.