How do I connect server to each client to give a name.

I have a multiplayer game, and two scripts, a Master script, and the player script.
The master script deals with everything from servers to clients to connecting to servers to naming players(my problem) to everything
The player script deals with stuff the single player needs, like the menu and stuff…
My problem is that i cant get a connection from the player script to the master script (or the other way around) or i dont know how to, becus im really new with unity. I am wondering if anyone out there can tell me how to do this, and give a example please!

Take a look at OnConnectedToServer, OnPlayerConnected and RPC calls.
Basic idea is to make an RPC call from the server to the client in OnPlayerConnected and tell the client its new name. Or reverse, if the player has to tell the server its name.