How do I create a generic skeleton avatar to use with mecanim?

I have a prefab that have a Skinned Mesh Renderer and a non-humanoid bone structure of empty game objects. With this, I can “animate” my non-humanoid character by moving directly the game objects (the “bones”), but there’s not a “rig” tab for this prefab. I belive because it’s not a FBX file.

How can I create an Avatar for this generic bone structure? I want to animate the character with Mecanim and be possible to apply the same animations for another one whose have the same bone structure. (just as we do with humanoid avatars)

it needs to ba an fbx as far as i know. im sure theres ways to convert it but ive never had to. once you have the fbx just import it, go to the rig tab, and change the animation type to generic and make the base whatever your skeleton object is called, for example if you use blender like me it would be called Armature by default and to copy animations i assume you just use the same avatar definition as the other model

Anyone made any progress on this question?

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