How do I delete a certain number a clones from my scene?

Hi, I’m veeery new to game development and C#, and I was wondering how I can delete a certain number of clones from my scene. I’m making a tycoon-like game where points are symbolized by cubes and when you buy an upgrade the cubes (points) that you spent disappear. Heres a snippet of my code:

    //Adds to score and gives the user a cube
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0))
        Instantiate(cubePrefab, new Vector3(0, 10, 0), Quaternion.identity);

    //Gives the user a golden cube but subtracts 50 from score
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse1) && score >= goldCost)
        Instantiate(goldenCubePrefab, new Vector3(0, 10, 0), Quaternion.identity);
        score = (score - goldCost);
        goldCubes = (goldCubes + 1);

        //Destroys 50 regular cubes
        Destroy(GameObject.Find("cube(Clone)"), 50);`

Not sure if “Destroy(GameObject.Find(“cube(Clone)”), 50)” is the correct method or I’m doing something wrong, because whenever I “Buy” something the cubes don’t get removed from the scene. Does anyone have a solution?

The second parameter of the Destroy method is a delay in seconds that Unity will wait until destroying the one (!) object you passed. GameObject.Find returns a reference to one object (or null if none is found). If you want to destroy 50 objects, you have to find those 50 objects and Destroy each of them.