How Do I Destroy All Objects At a Given Location?

I want to destroy all objects at a particular location. The way I am currently doing it is:

void DestroyObjectAtLocation(float nX, float nY, float nZ) {

	foreach (string strTag in UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.tags) 
		GameObject[] tiles = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag (strTag);
		foreach (GameObject tile in tiles)
			if ((tile.transform.position.z == nZ) && (tile.transform.position.x == nX) && (tile.transform.position.y == nY))
				Destroy (tile);

This works perfectly but seems extremely inefficient. Is there a better way? I am largely a novice so please have mercy on my poor soul .

Use a trigger sphere or box. Place it at the position, make it as large as needed and use:

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col){

Add this to the tiles and mark the collider as trigger.

void DestroyObjectAtLocation(float nX, float nY, float nZ, float minDist) {

	Vector3 tmpLocation = new Vector3 (nX, nY, nZ);
	Transform[] tiles = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<Transform> ();

	for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++) {
		if(Vector3.Distance(tiles*.position, tmpLocation) <= minDist){*

_ Destroy(tiles*.gameObject);_