How do I display a camera on both iOS device AND AirPlay screen ?


My game must have a specific display when AirPlay is on.

I use the SetTargetBuffers function to point a camera to the device or the airplay screen.

And that works well.

But some of my cameras need to be displayed on both the displays.

I don’t see any way to do that, except by duplicating the camera, which would probably affect the performance by calculating the rendering twice.

Is there any way to do it properly?

Thank you!

Hi bourriquet!

I also try to figure out how to use the same camera to display on both displays but i didn’t manage to do it.
I finally solved it using two cameras, as you said, and activating the airplay cameras only when airplay is running.

I suppose that using custom cameras to airplay is more to render something different that what you display on the device :P.
