Hello I have spent the last 20 minutes looking for a script on turning the screen all the color red, how do I do this?
A cheap solution would be to take a red plain, put it in front of the camera and parent it and change it’s opacity when you need it…
Edit: you could also use a Gui.rect that fills the whole screen.
Or load a new scene that has a red background (It’s quite unlikely that you would want to do that but I don’t know what you are trying to do, so I’m just spinning ideas…)
Obviously non of that is very elegant, sorry… maybe someone can give a better solution.
you have a script called"sepia tones" in the “Component- Image effect” menu.
just attach it on our camera then modify for do color you want.
i think better way is copy thath script to don’t break original.
try this:
var myMat:GameObject[];
var r:float=1;
var g:float=0;
var b:float=0;
function Update () {
for(var cTc in myMat) {