How do I find out why my game build crashed?

I exported a Clean Build of my game. It launches and the start screen works fine. However, if I select Play, Options, or Credits, which calls a function with SceneManager.Load(), I see the new scene for half a second before the game crashes. I’m assuming that there’s a script that is causing the crash in each of these scenes. However, is there a way I can find out exactly the line that is causing the crash if it’s the case?

I’ve seen other forums point to a crash log that’s in %User%/AppData/Local/Temp/&CompanyName%/&GameName&
However, there’s nothing in that folder when I check it.

Also I had some Warnings with some assets pop up in console during Clean Build:

Assets\AllIn1VfxToolkit\Scripts\AllIn1VfxComponent.cs(20,22): warning CS0414: The field 'AllIn1VfxComponent.matAssigned' is assigned but its value is never used
Shader warning in 'FlatKit/Stylized Surface': 'lerp': implicit truncation of vector type at Assets/FlatKit/Shaders/StylizedSurface/LibraryUrp/Lighting_DR.hlsl(46) (on d3d11)
Shader warning in 'FlatKit/Water': '_MAIN_LIGHT_SHADOWS': macro redefinition. Previous definition found at :1. at line 417

Would these cause the crash?