"I found a way to get all components on a GameObject. If those components happen to be Scripts, I can easily find the name/type/value for each field. Great."
But didnt explain how this was achieved, and he's using c# anyway. Could someone explain how to do this in Unity script please. Is it even possible?
The page you linked has an example of how to use it, you just need to use javascript syntax for the loops
for (var script in GetComponents.<MonoBehaviour>())
for(var mi : MemberInfo in script.GetType().GetMembers())
Debug.Log(System.String.Format("{0} = {1}", mi.Name, mi.MemberType));
for(var pi : PropertyInfo in c.GetType().GetProperties())
Debug.Log(System.String.Format("{0} = {1}", pi.Name, pi.GetValue(c, null)));
Will give you the members and properties on the scripts attached to the current object - you can look up FieldInfo and the rest of the reflection items on MSDN
You'll need to use import System.Reflection; at the top of your script for the above to work
Hey all, thanks for your reply Mike. This is the code that ended up working. Yours still has some c# syntax in it doesnt it?
for (var script in GetComponents(MonoBehaviour)){
for(var mi : MemberInfo in script.GetType().GetMembers())
Debug.Log(System.String.Format("{0} = {1}", mi.Name, mi.MemberType));
for(var pi : PropertyInfo in script.GetType().GetProperties())
Debug.Log(System.String.Format("{0} = {1}", pi.Name, pi.GetValue(script, null)));